Sunday, January 17, 2016
Faux Brick Interior Wall Panels
Brick is often a preferred, but too costly building material. Brick is desirable for a number of reasons. It has a sturdy, masculine appearance. It also can have the enchanting look of a castle. It looks high-quality; throughout history, people with more wealth had homes from stone and brick rather than wood and muck. It is the look of the cozy fireplace. Everyone deserves to have a beautiful home with these special touches without breaking the bank. Faux brick is a quick fix to a cost efficient, distinguished look.
Faux brick is easy to do, but is best done on a cement surface.
You will need cement cleaner, large sponge, outdoor paints (terra cotta is a good choice for brick color), small paint containers, scrap paper, scissors, water-based polyurethane, foam brushes.
Check your weather forecast for clear skies.
Design your brick lay out. Obviously this doesn't have to be anything complicated or more than straight lines. However, you may want to add your own artistic touch. If you are painting on a wall, consider adding some faux painted climbing vines.
Walk ways and patios can be spiced up with a color burst of flowers. Don't let these additions be overpowering or cute will turn to tacky quickly. Even consider having a mis-colored brick here or there in a slightly off-shade or neutral color.
The actual placement of your bricks should be determined as you go with a brick outline. Cut a sample brick out on paper to use as a scale.
Clean your cement surface. A best pressure washer for cars will come in handy if you have one available. Pressure washing can cause variation in cement color. Use even swipes for a uniform appearance or use it to your creative benefit.
Fill your paint tins with the various colors of your design. You are using foam brushes and not a regular brush to assist with the speckled and porous appearance natural brick possesses.
Use the scrap paper to experiment with your materials. Get a feel for how much paint is enough on your sponge. The porous appearance will disappear if the sponge is sopping in paint. Hopefully you will have a sponge the size you want your brick to make it extra easy.
Stamp your bricks on with your sponge brushes, taking your brick stencil as you go until you work out a comfortable technique. Dip the sponge each time to keep a uniform color.
Work in details and accents after the bricks are completed.
Leave your flowers and faux bricks to dry.
Protect your masterpiece with 2-3 layers of polyurethane.
Faux brick can increase the visual value of any area without spending any serious cash and it is a simple project for anyone.
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